STM is a complete package for the management of significant transition projects, to be used in any organisation which needs to evolve the way it works, to be able to thrive in rapidly changing markets or remain compliant despite major changes to legislation. It is designed to introduce major transformations to an organisation’s ways of working and to ensure the changes introduced remain stable beyond the lifetime of the project and act as a springboard for future improvements.
Thorough and impartial analisis
Practical workshops with signifcant outputs and engagement of the workforce
Consultants on the shopfloor with hands-on approach
Solid support systems & tools for key-players
Robust communication plan
Client centricity, both internal and final
Full involvement of all levels – the project must not be perceived as a top-down initiative. Leaders sponsor – operatives own the project.
Well defined and adhered to system of governance
Clear vision, mission and objectives – well and continuously communicated to stakeholders.
Objectives set to ensure that tangible results are obtained within 40 day periods
Dissatisfaction with the current situation
Possibility to thoroughly analyze the current situation to understand all risks and opportunities and obtain a fully aware commitment from all involved.
Such projects are major initiatives within any organisation and particularly within the framework of SMEs. Naturally there will be a large number of specific outputs. Below are what we consider to be the most significant outputs. We have also included some of the intangible outputs we have witnessed during past applications of STM:
- Increased value for end client
- Empowered workforce
- Greater communication between stakeholders
- Culture of Continual Improvement established
- Experiment carried out with Lessons Learned and Best Practices generated
- New perception of quality related to the satisfaction of internal and final clients
- Increased leadership at all levels
- Wastes identified and eliminated together with the introduction of a Waste Free Culture
- Greater strategic capacity and more visioning
#1 Definition of Project Scope
- Definition of Scope with Top Management
- Creation of Model of Governance
- Communication Plan
- Executive Project
#2 Flow Redesign
- Empowerment Technical Committee
- Systemic Analysis of Organisation
- Flow redesign
- Organisational Empowerment
#3 Experimental Phase
- Definition of Pilot Group and experiment
- Organisational Improvement
- Pilot Project
- Support for changes
#4 Mainstreaming of Best Practices
- Definition of mainstreaming project
- Generation of commitment
- Organisational Improvement
- Mainstreaming
- Support for changes
#5 Consolidation of Results and Dissemination
- Creation of Internal Support group
- Continual Improvement actions
- Plan for dissemination & celebration